Bocce Australia – Annual General Meeting 2022

Bocce Australia – Annual General Meeting 2022

Bocce Australia AGM

Bocce Australia released its Annual Report for 2022 at its 50th Annual General Meeting (AGM) which was held on October 16, 2022.

The meeting was held online which was again well received by the member states.

The meeting was opened by the president of Bocce Australia Frank Funari who provided a summary of the past year’s activities, especially the milestone event of the 50th anniversary of the National Championships.

The treasurer, Vince Di Mauro, presented the annual financial statement which showed a healthy state for the sport having just emerged from a two-year hiatus, thanks to the pandemic.

Mr Mauro said:

“In respect to Bocce Australia’s performance towards the SportAus compliance framework over the past 12 months, Bocce Australia met and at times exceeded SportAus’ requirements under our governance framework plan.

“This year we also had SportAus, BA and BLB leadership provide a base for collaboration of the ‘Bocce One’ business agreement between Bocce Australia and State Bocce Federations (BA and BLB). The appointment of a sport development officer, Vinay Singh, has been key to raising awareness and Vinay is very active in engaging with schools and clubs and undertaking training programs in different states.

“I wish to advise that these efforts and more have not gone unnoticed by SportAus. Therefore, thank you to all of you around Australia who have participated and continue to participate and strengthen Bocce’s position.

“In respect to the FY2021-22 finances, Bocce Australia’s working capital is stable at a net 75k compared to the previous year of 77k. Balance sheet liquidity continues to be healthy and remains free of obligations to long-term debt.

“The financial year 2021-22 statements are finalised and audited by GMB Accountants and will be posted on the Bocce Australia website and forwarded to SportAus.

“Finally, thank you everyone for your commitment and support during 2021-22 and we look forward to a full filling Bocce year ahead.”

The AGM progressed quickly as there were no motions on notice, nor general items for discussion. The election for the three vacated positions were held unopposed as there was no need to hold an election as there were no oppositions to the nominations. As such, vice president Antonio Biancacci, secretary Vince Di Mauro, and sports director Sonia Fava were all duly elected to the BA executive board and approved by the board.

The annual report was approved for release and will be published on the BA website. The meeting was completed in a record 40 minutes, a first for a Bocce Australia AGM.

The key outcomes from the meeting were that BA would continue the work with Sport Australia to refine the sports governance and transform bocce to align the sport to the Bocce One principles.

“The prime focus for the next 12 to 18 months is to promote, raise awareness of, and encourage participation in bocce sport for benefits of health, longevity, fitness, skill, achievement, social interaction, wellbeing, and other benefits of exercise for all individuals in Australia. The focus will be to shift the emphasis of bocce to being administered and run as a sport and no longer oscillating between the social and sporting aspects of the game” said Mr Funari.

“We plan, through our member states, to work closely with our affiliated clubs to put in place programs to facilitate the sports entry and player pathways so that participation is easier for novice players of all ages, all abilities, and all cultures. At the same time, we’ll cater to the elite players wishing to compete at the high performance at state, national and international levels”.

Mr Funari completed by thanking Sport Australia for their support and contribution to bocce sport. Most importantly, thanks to all the many volunteers that contribute to bocce sport. It is your unwavering drive and passion to see bocce succeed that inspires us to strive for new heights in what we deliver each and every day.

To our sponsors, partners, and supporters, without your financial and in-kind support, effort and energy, bocce sport would not be where we are today. In particular, thanks must go to our premier partners Australian Sports Commission, the state governments, member states, and affiliate clubs who have helped in every way to bring bocce back to reality – a big thank you.

Likewise, to the executive board of Tony Biancacci, Vince Di Mauro and Sonia Fava; sector leads Franco Fava, Michael Migliaccio, Mary Massena; state committees; the many volunteers and all our associates — thank you.

We are bocce sport, and we are back!