Lifestyle bocce is the most popular form of bocce in Australia.
This is where bocce is played casually and enjoyed as a pastime. While there are rules guiding the game, these are generally not as strict as those governing serious games or competitions.
About lifestyle bocce
Lifestyle bocce is highly social and can be played by people of all ages and fitness levels. These games can be played in a variety of outdoor locations, including but not limited to backyards, parks, beaches, and wineries.
Bocce Australia organises and promotes a number of lifestyle bocce events throughout the calendar year. Players are encouraged to register their scores with Bocce Australia during these games. They are also invited to participate in other bocce events, such as the annual Oz Bocce open competition which takes place at the end of each year and is held in various locations across Australia.
Lifestyle bocce is generally played using the rules of traditional bocce or raffa bocce.

Traditional bocce
Traditional bocce can be played in singles, doubles, triples, or quadruples.
Players take turns bowling their balls, with the aim of getting these as close as possible to the target ball (also known as the jack or pallino).
Once all balls have been thrown, one point is awarded to the team whose ball is closest to the jack, with an additional point awarded for each ball that is closer to the target ball than the closest ball of the competing player or team.
The first player or team to reach 13 points wins the game.
Raffa bocce
Raffa bocce, also known as roundup, follows similar rules to traditional bocce.
In this version of the game, however, players can employ the raffa shot, which allows them to aim their bowl at other balls on the court in order to remove these as obstacles. Players must declare their intention before performing a raffa shot.